(A)   The Emergency Management Agency, subject to the direction and control of the chief elected official, shall oversee and manage the county’s interests as it relates to emergency medical service (EMS). The Director of Emergency Management, or his or her designee, will oversee and manage the county’s efforts to provide emergency medical services to the public. The Director will liaison and oversee all authorized county-level EMS transportation providers to ensure adequate services are being provided in accordance with the county’s established operational standards and requirements for county-level EMS transportation providers.
   (B)   The County Board, through its established processes, will authorize county-level EMS transportation providers at its discretion.
   (C)   The Director of Emergency Management will ensure that all operational standards and requirements set forth by the County Board are being adhered to by all county-level EMS transportation providers.
(Ord. 2011-04, passed 6-21-2011)