§ 112.04  INSPECTIONS.
   (A)   Frequency of inspections. The Regulatory Authority shall inspect and regulate each food service establishment within the county as specified in the 77 Ill. Adm. Code,§ 615.310, and any subsequent revisions thereto, and shall make as many additional inspections and reinspections as are necessary for the enforcement of this chapter.
   (B)   Right of entry. The Regulatory Authority, after proper identification, shall be permitted to enter at any reasonable time any food service establishment or retail food store in the county for the purpose of making inspections to determine compliance with this chapter. He or she shall be permitted to examine the records of the establishment to obtain pertinent information pertaining to food and supplies purchased, received or used and persons employed.
   (C)   Report of inspection.
      (1)   Whenever an inspection of a food service establishment or retail food store is made, the findings shall be recorded on a inspection report that is substantially equivalent to that of the State Department of Public Health retail food establishment inspection report.
      (2)   One copy of the inspection report form should be furnished to the person in charge of the establishment. The inspection report form shall set forth a weighted point value for each requirement. The rating score of the establishment shall be the total of the weighted point values for all violations subtracted from 100 and shall be shown on all copies of the report.
   (D)   Correction of violations.
      (1)   The completed inspection report form shall specify a reasonable period of time for the correction of the violations found and correction of the violations shall be accomplished within the period specified, in accordance with the following provisions.
         (a)   If an imminent health hazard exists, such as complete lack of refrigeration or sewage backup into the establishment, the establishment shall immediately cease food service operations. Operations shall not be resumed until authorized by the Regulatory Authority.
         (b)   All violations of four- or five-point weighted items shall be corrected as soon as possible but, in any event, within ten days following inspection.
         (c)   All one- or two-point weighted items shall be corrected as soon as possible but, in any event, by the time of the next routine inspection.
         (d)   When the rating score of the establishment is less than 60, the establishment shall initiate corrective action on all identified violations within 48 hours. One or more reinspections will be conducted at reasonable time intervals to assure correction.
      (2)   The inspection report shall state that failure to comply with any time limits for corrections may result in cessation of food service operations. An opportunity for a hearing on the inspection findings or the time limitations or both will be provided if a written request is filed with the Regulatory Authority within ten days following cessation of operations. If a request for a hearing is received, a hearing shall be held within 20 days of receipt of the request.
      (3)   Whenever a food service establishment or retail food store is required under the provisions of division (D) above to cease operations, it shall not resume operations until it is shown on reinspection that the conditions responsible for the order to cease operations no longer exist. Opportunity for reinspection shall be offered within a reasonable time.
   (E)   Service of notices. Notices provided for under this division (E) shall be deemed to have been properly served when the original of the inspection report form or other notice has been delivered personally to the permit holder or person in charge or such notice has been sent by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, to the last known address of the permit holder. A copy of such notice shall be filed with the records of the Regulatory Authority.
(Ord. 2013-07, passed 9-17-2013)