For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   DWELLING. Any building or structure, or portion thereof, within the county which is arranged, designed or used as a home, residence or living quarters of one or more individuals.
   HOUSING. Any building or structure, or portion thereof, within the county, which is used or occupied or is intended, arranged or designed to be used or occupied as the home, residence or living quarters of one or more individuals, groups or families and includes any vacant land within the county which is zoned and intended to be used for the construction of any such building or structure.
   LEASE. Includes sublease, assignment and rent (or rental) and includes any contract to do any of the foregoing.
   LENDING INSTITUTION. Any bank, insurance company, savings and loan association, other person in the business of lending money or guaranteeing loans, any person in the business of obtaining, arranging or negotiating loans or guarantees as agent or broker and any person in the business of buying or selling loans or instruments for the payment of money which are secured by title to a security interest in real estate, but shall not include any religious institution or organization nor any charitable or educational organization operated, supervised or controlled by a religious institution or organization.
   NATIONAL ORIGIN.The national origin of an ancestor.
   OWNER. Any person who holds legal or equitable title to, or owns any beneficial interest in, any dwelling or housing or who holds a legal or equitable title to shares of, or holds any beneficial interest in, any real estate cooperative which owns any dwelling or housing.
   PERSON. One or more individuals, corporations, partnerships, associations, legal representatives, mutual companies, unincorporated organizations, trusts, trustees, trustees in bankruptcy, receivers and fiduciaries.
   PURCHASE. Any contract to purchase.
   REAL ESTATE AGENT. Any real estate broker, any real estate salesperson and any other person who, as employee or agent or otherwise, engages in the management or operation of any dwelling or housing.
   REAL ESTATE BROKER. Any person licensed as a real estate broker in accordance with the provision of 225 ILCS 454 or required thereby to be so licensed.
   REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON. Any person licensed as a real estate salesperson in accordance with the provisions of 225 ILCS 454 or required thereby to be licensed.
   REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION. The purchase, sale, exchange or lease of any dwelling or housing and an option to do any of the foregoing.
   SALE. Any contract to sell, exchange or to convey, transfer or assign legal or equitable title to, or a beneficial interest in, real estate.
(Ord. 1995-03, passed 9-18-1995)