(A) Purpose. The purpose of this section is intended to encourage a unified grouping of commercial and/or industrial buildings which do not require or desire a central location.
(B) Definition. A PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT is a building, structure or grouping of buildings or structures constructed predominantly for commercial or industrial uses located on a lot or contiguous group of lots held under single, joint or common ownership or lease.
(C) Uses permitted. It is not the intent of the zone to restrict potential development by limiting uses. In planned commercial zones, uses permitted may include offices, commercial services, shopping centers and light distribution centers and ancillary residential dwellings. In planned industrial zones, uses permitted may include manufacturing, distribution, research and development offices and subordinate services. Since some permitted uses may be incompatible with others, the developer of a planned commercial complex shall provide the Planning Commission with a list of specific uses proposed in his or her development which shall be compatible with each other and neighboring uses. In general, planned commercial/industrial developments will fall into one of the following categories:
(1) Neighborhood retail centers;
(2) Community shopping centers;
(3) Regional shopping centers;
(4) Planned office parks;
(5) Research and development parks;
(6) Distribution and warehousing centers; and
(7) Industrial parks.
(D) Bulk and area regulations.
(1) Lot size. Minimum lot size for a planned commercial development shall be five acres.
(2) Setback. Minimum setback for any structure shall be the setback required in the zone adjacent.
(3) Lot coverage. Maximum lot covered by buildings or structures shall be 50% at ultimate expansion potential.
(4) Height. In general, height shall be limited to 45 feet; however, to permit the greatest flexibility of design, the Planning Commission may approve greater heights; provided, such height is an integral part of the building grouping and enhances the design of the entire project.
(5) Floor area ratio. The floor area ratio shall not exceed one and one-half.
(E) Parking. No parking shall be permitted in the front yard of any structure constructed on an individual lot unless such parking area is landscaped with trees, shrubs and grass islands to prevent the appearance of open parking lots. All parking and loading requirements shall be in accordance with regulations specified in §§ 155.330 through 155.339 of this chapter.
(F) Storage. Outdoor storage shall be prohibited unless fully screened on all sides by an opaque ornamental screen.
(G) Landscaping. A landscape plan for the entire development shall be prepared and presented to the Planning Commission for approval. This plan shall show the type and location of plantings, locate and show the purpose of visual screens and establish a means to ensure the accomplishment of the landscape plan. The landscaping plan shall meet or exceed all appropriate landscape regulations found in this chapter.
(H) Access. Access to the planned commercial complex shall be designed to minimize conflicts in traffic. Insofar as possible, all lots should be designed to front on streets within the commercial development. Lots should not have direct access to existing streets, roads or highways.
(I) Street standards. All streets within the planned commercial or planned industrial development shall be designed at least to standards of collector streets.
(J) Loading requirements.
(1) One off-street loading area for standing, loading or unloading shall be provided for each 25,000 square feet of usable floor space for each building or contiguous group of buildings. Minimum dimensions for such loading space should be 60 feet (depth) by 14 feet (width) by 14 feet (height clearance).
(2) All loading and unloading facilities must have appropriate means of access to a street or alley and must have adequate area for maneuvering vehicles.
(K) Pedestrian access. This must be arranged so as to provide safe and convenient routes to, from and within a planned development, must be interconnected by a common pedestrian system and must separate pedestrian traffic from automotive traffic.
(L) Off-street parking. These areas must provide safe and convenient access to streets and thoroughfares, must be convenient to building groups and must allow for adequate internal circulation of vehicles.
(M) Trees, ground cover, streams and woodlands. These and all other natural features must be preserved, so far as practicable. In addition, adequate landscaping areas must be provided which are appropriate to the commercial development giving consideration to the height, location, siting of buildings type and configuration of materials used, and the maintenance they require. Adequate landscaping is required for all off-street parking areas.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 7.30)