(A)   Definition. A PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT (PR) is a group of buildings constructed for residential use and ancillary commercial use, located on a lot or contiguous group of lots held under single, joint or common ownership, covering at least ten acres.
   (B)   Criteria for approval. Uses permitted in a planned unit development may be of the following; provided, two or more residential uses are included in each PR zoned land; and, further provided that, the building arrangement, site design and mixture of uses is appropriate to the area in which the planned unit development is located:
      (1)   Single household detached dwellings;
      (2)   Single household semi-attached or attached (townhouses) dwellings;
      (3)   Two household dwellings;
      (4)   Apartments;
      (5)   Recreation uses subject to requirements of these regulations;
      (6)   Commercial uses subject to the approval of the Planning Commission, but limited to the uses listed in the CL District; and
      (7)   Community facilities deemed necessary by the Planning Commission.
   (C)   Total open space. The total of all open space in any PR zoned land shall not be less than 50%. Open space for this purpose shall include all areas not covered by structures, streets or parking.
   (D)   Ratio of use. In any planned residential development, the mixture of uses permitted should include at least two or more different residential types.
   (E)   Commercial uses. Commercial uses in a planned residential development permitted by the Planning Commission shall be limited to those permitted in any CL Zone. Commercial facilities provided in a residential PUD shall be capable of being supported by the residences in that development.
   (F)   Density. Dwelling unit densities shall be compatible with the zoning districts and the neighborhood in which the planned unit development is located. The Planning Commission may permit an increase in density of up to 25% greater than the density permitted in any adjacent zoning district.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 7.10)