(A) Where right-of-way is 50 feet or greater and platted, setback shall be measured from right-of- way. Where right-of-way is less than 50 feet or unknown, setback shall be measured from the centerline.
(B) (1) Minimum lot for single dwelling: 6,000 square feet;
(2) Second dwelling on same lot: 4,000 square feet; and
(3) Each townhouse or attached dwelling: 2,500 square feet.
(C) For attached units, staggered front building lines shall have an average front yard of at least 18 feet and at least 15 feet front yard.
(D) Detached single dwellings permitted with zero lot line on one side provided opposite side yard is 16 feet. Total of both side yards must be 16 feet. End units of townhouse complex or semi-attached structures must be ten feet.
(E) Minimum width of single dwelling lot may be 50 feet.
(F) Side yard shall be increased by one foot for every two feet of height over 20 feet.
(G) Side yard shall be increased by one foot for every three feet of height over 20 feet.
(H) (1) Front yard setback minimum of ten feet on any interior street of a mobile home court or mobile home subdivision.
(2) Entire park or subdivision shall be set back 25 feet from any peripheral street.
(I) No minimum for each unit in a building complex; least width for single structure or building complex is 75 feet.
(J) (1) No side yard for interior units in building complex with common walls.
(2) End units or individual buildings ten-foot side yard.
(K) Residential units shall have same requirements as those in abutting residential district.
(L) (1) No side yard is required, but, if provided, shall be ten feet.
(2) At least 20 feet shall separate any two structures.
(M) (1) No rear yard is required, except where parking is provided at the rear of buildings.
(2) A rear yard of 25 feet shall be provided to ensure vehicular maneuverability.
(N) When loading is provided from a rail siding at the rear of a structure, no rear yard shall be required.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 6.08)