(A)   Purpose. To establish and provide commercial districts which cater primarily to the needs of vehicle-oriented trade; to provide for orderly development of and concentration of highway-oriented uses near interchanges; to recognize the need for larger land masses required for commercial facilities serving a traveling public.
   (B)   Permitted uses. In accordance with the Use Table, generally being retail, office and service uses with emphasis on the needs of traveling or motoring public.
   (C)   Conditional uses. Helicopter pads, tire recapping, warehousing in conjunction with principal permitted use or as indicated in the Use Table.
   (D)   Bulk, density and height.
Maximum height
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum building line setback
30 ft.
Minimum lot size
1-1/2 acre on septic tank, none on public sewer
Minimum rear yard
Minimum side yard
   If free-standing building, end unit
10 ft.
Minimum width
65 ft.
   (E)   Off-street parking. To be provided in accordance with use and §§ 155.330 through 155.339 of this chapter.
   (F)   Design requirements.
      (1)   All CH Districts shall front along an arterial highway.
      (2)   Access to individual parcels in the CH Zone shall be from an interior or frontage road.
      (3)   All yard and setback areas shall be landscaped. Front yard should be adjacent to right-of- way.
      (4)   Any CH zoned parcel adjacent to or abutting any residential parcel shall provide a 20-foot landscape buffer along any such lot line.
      (5)   Developed parcels in any CH District established by this chapter may continue as constructed. Future redevelopment of any such parcel shall conform to these regulations.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 4.33)