(A)   Purpose. To establish and preserve quiet neighborhood single-family and attached single dwellings, free from other uses which are not compatible with residential, but permitting certain non-residential uses which are compatible with and convenient to the residents. The purpose of these districts is to provide an opportunity to develop single dwelling housing in a variety of housing types not found in conventional house and lot arrangements.
   (B)   Permitted uses. Detached, semi-attached and attached (townhouse) single dwelling units.
   (C)   Conditional uses. Detached or semi-attached two-family units, churches, elementary or secondary schools, parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities and home occupations.
   (D)   Bulk density and height.
Interior units
16 ft.
   Side yard
   Attached, end units
10 ft.
   Detached, least
0 ft.
   Detached, minimum combined side yards
16 ft.
   Semi-attached, unattached side
10 ft.
Lot area for each dwelling
2,500 sq. ft.
   Detached single dwelling
6,000 sq. ft.
   Permitted second dwelling on same lot
4,000 sq. ft.
5,000 sq. ft.
Maximum height
35 feet
Maximum lot coverage
Minimum lot frontage for each dwelling
   Attached end units
40 ft.
50 ft.
40 ft.
Minimum rear yard
25 ft.
   (E)   Off-street parking. Two spaces per dwelling unit, or as otherwise required in §§ 155.330 through 155.339 of this chapter.
   (F)   Design criteria. At the time of application for a Special Residential “RS” Zoning District classification, the applicant shall submit a proposed plan for development to the Planning Commission.
      (1)   The plan shall clearly identify those lots to be developed.
         (a)   For detached dwellings;
         (b)   With zero lot line;
         (c)   As semi-attached dwellings;
         (d)   As attached (townhouse) dwellings; and
         (e)   With two dwellings per lot.
      (2)   All streets, sidewalks, drives and parking areas shall be shown.
      (3)   Any permitted non-residential uses shall be shown.
      (4)   Landscape areas between non-residential use and residential uses shall be illustrated and plant materials specified.
      (5)   Lots including two dwellings per lot shall be limited to 20% of the development.
      (6)   An architectural rendering of a typical building shall be submitted for each type of structure to be included in the development.
      (7)   Where townhouse units are proposed, not more than two such contiguous units shall be established at the same setback. Each break in the fascia plane shall be at least three feet.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 4.15)