(A) Purpose. This district is intended to recognize agricultural land to establish regulations which emphasize agricultural production and preserve a rural character.
(B) General uses intended. The raising of agricultural crops or livestock, forestry and hunting or game preserves; ancillary services inherent to farming are also permitted (see use table); single dwelling residences, churches, elementary and secondary schools.
(C) Accessory uses. More than one dwelling may be permitted on each agricultural lot; providing, additional dwellings are required for family members or employees who farm the land.
(D) Conditional uses. May be permitted by the Board of Zoning Adjustments. Uses which may be so permitted are indicated in the Land Use Table.
(E) Bulk density and height.
Maximum height, except barns, silos, steeples, water towers, windmills, communication towers and other structures excepted general height exceptions | 35 ft. |
Minimum front yard | 50 ft. |
Minimum lot frontage | 200 ft. |
Minimum lot size | 5 acres |
Minimum rear yard | 25 ft. |
Minimum side yard | 25 ft. |
Minimum spacing between any 2 dwellings on same tract | 30 ft. |
Minimum street side yard | 30 ft. |
(G) Agricultural land use exemptions. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, land which is used solely for agricultural, farming, dairying, stock raising or similar purposes shall have no regulations imposed as to building permits, certificates of occupancy, height, yard, location or courts requirements for agricultural buildings; except that, setback may be required for the protection of existing and proposed roads, streets and highways and that all buildings in a designated floodway or floodplain or which tend to increase flood heights or obstruct the flow of flood waters may be fully regulated.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 4.10)
(A) Purpose. This district is intended to establish and preserve a quiet single-family home neighborhood, free from other uses, except those which are convenient to and compatible with the residences of such neighborhood. This district is intended to be of very low density and will customarily be located in areas where public sewer facilities are not available or planned.
(B) General uses permitted. Detached single-family dwelling units, including mobile homes used as single-family residences.
(D) Bulk density and height.
Maximum height | 35 ft. |
Maximum lot coverage | 10% |
Minimum front yard | 35 ft.* |
Minimum lot area | 1-1/2 acres |
Minimum lot frontage | 100 ft. |
Minimum rear yard | 40 ft. |
Minimum side yard | 10 ft. |
Minimum street side yard | 22 ft. |
NOTES TO TABLE: *Front yard minimum 35 ft. from property line at right-of-way | |
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 4.11)
(A) Purpose.
(1) The purpose of this district is to establish and preserve a quiet single-family dwelling neighborhood, free from other uses, except those which are convenient to and compatible with the residences of such neighborhood.
(2) This district is a low density, large lot, single-family dwelling district, but requires a full range of community facilities, including being served by public sewer or approved sewage treatment facility.
(B) General uses permitted. Detached single dwelling residential units.
(D) Bulk density and height.
Maximum height | 35 ft. |
Maximum lot coverage | 20% |
Minimum front yard | 30 ft. |
Minimum lot area | 15,000 sq. ft. |
Minimum lot frontage | 100 ft. |
Minimum rear yard | 40 ft. |
Minimum side yard | 10 ft. |
Minimum street side yard | 20 ft. |
(E) Off-street parking. Two (2) spaces per dwelling unit, other uses as required in Article 10.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 4.12)
(A) Purpose. It is the intent of this district to establish and preserve a quiet single-family home neighborhood free from other uses, except those which are convenient to and compatible with the residences of such neighborhood. This district is a medium density single dwelling district, but requires a full range of community facilities, including public sewers, or approved sewage treatment facilities.
(B) General uses permitted. Detached single-family dwelling units.
(D) Bulk, density and height.
Minimum lot area | 9,000 sq. ft. |
Minimum lot frontage | 65 ft. |
Minimum front yard | 25 ft. |
Minimum street side yard | 15 ft. |
Minimum side yard | 8 ft. |
Minimum rear yard | 25 ft. |
Maximum lot coverage | 25% |
Maximum height | 35 ft. |
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 4.13)