(A)   The Board shall have the power to hear and decide applications for conditional use permits to allow the proper integration into the planning area of uses which are specifically named in this zoning regulation which may be suitable only in specific locations in the zone only if certain conditions are met.
   (B)   The Board may approve, modify or deny any application for a conditional use permit. If it approves such permit, it may attach necessary conditions such as time limitations, requirements that one or more things be done before the request can be initiated, or conditions shall be recorded in the Board’s minutes and on the conditional use permit, along with a reference to the specific section in this zoning regulation to the specific section in this zoning regulation listing the conditional use under consideration. The Board shall have the power to revoke conditional use permits or variance for non-compliance with the condition thereof. Furthermore, the Board shall have a right of action to compel offending structures or uses removed at the cost of the violator and may have judgment in persona for such cost.
   (C)   The granting of a conditional use permit does not exempt the applicant from complying with all the requirements of building, housing and other regulations.
   (D)   In any case where a conditional use permit has not been exercised within the time limit set by the Board, or within one year, if no specific time limit has been set, the granting of such conditional use permit shall be reconsidered by the Board of Zoning Adjustments at a public hearing with notice as required.
   (E)   Once the Board of Zoning Adjustments has granted a conditional use permit and all of the conditions have been satisfied, then a building or occupancy permit may be issued and the use will be treated as a permitted use subject to the following limitations:
      (1)   The permitted use applies only to the specific use approved;
      (2)   The use is permitted only at the location approved;
      (3)   The permitted use is granted only to the person to whom the Board issued the conditional use permit;
      (4)   The use is permitted only subject to any continuing conditions specified by the Board; and
      (5)   The permitted conditional use is not transferable with neglect to use, location or person. Any change in ownership, person or use shall be subject to new consideration by the Board of Zoning Adjustments.
(Ord. 8, passed 10-23-1987, § 14.04)