(A)   Licensees and servers shall participate in a training program with an approved responsible beverage service training agency, selected and approved by the county.
   (B)   The approved training agencies shall not be compensated or otherwise reimbursed by the county. The training agencies shall recover costs and profit through fees collected from those participating in the training program or from the licensees.
   (C)   The approved training agencies shall certify the qualifications of all required participants as required by this subchapter. All new employees, officers or agents shall complete the training within 45 days following their hiring or other event which subjects that person to the training requirement. New employees, officers or agents failing to complete the training within the prescribed time shall not work on the premises after the expiration of that period until they have successfully completed such training.
   (D)   The training agency must reasonably instruct upon and certify the participants’ competence in at least the following:
      (1)   Pertinent laws and ordinances regarding the sale of alcohol;
      (2)   Verification of age, forms of identification and usual methods of false or misleading age identification;
      (3)   The effect of alcohol on humans and the physiology of alcohol intoxication, including the effect of alcohol on pregnant women, their fetuses and other situations involving the use of alcohol by persons vulnerable to its effects;
      (4)   Recognition of the signs of intoxication;
      (5)   Strategies for intervention and prevention of underage and intoxicated persons from consuming alcohol;
      (6)   The licensee’s policies and guidelines, including the employee’s role in observing those policies; and
      (7)   Potential liability of persons serving alcohol.
   (E)   The training agency shall have a minimum of two years actual experience in responsible beverage service and alcohol awareness training. Each instructor shall be certified to teach his or her subject matter.
   (F)   The training agencies shall have sufficient personnel and physical resources to provide responsible beverage service training course to newly hired employees, officers and agents as required by this subchapter.
(Ord. 1 (2006), passed 3-16-2006)