§ 91.06 ABATEMENT.
   (A)   In the event that an owner, lessee or occupant is notified by the County Enforcement Officer that an abandoned mobile home/manufactured home or camper must be removed from the property, the County Fiscal Court will provide for the costs of the demolition and compaction of the abandoned structure into a dumpster, along with associated cleaning of the site. The owner, lessee or occupant shall be responsible for the rest and remainder of the disposal costs.
   (B)   In the event an owner, lessee or occupant fails to pay for the costs of the dumpster and landfill disposal charges, the County Fiscal Court shall advance those costs, secured by a lien against the property for those costs, plus interest accruing at the rate of 1% per annum, to be filed in the office of the County Court Clerk.
(Ord. 14 (2005), passed 9-2-2005)