For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   OFF-SITE WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY. Any facility for collection, storage, transportation, transfer, processing or treatment of solid waste, whether such facilities are associated with facilities generating such waste or otherwise, but does not include collection, storage, transportation, transfer, processing or treatment activities which occur incidental to or which are not otherwise distinguishable form a broader manufacturing operation at the site of said operation.
   SOLID WASTE. Defined in KRS 224.1-010(30)(a).
   SOLID WASTE LANDFILL. A waste management facility where the final disposal of solid waste occurs, and includes a municipal solid waste disposal facility, a contained landfill, a construction/ demolition debris landfill, and a construction/demolition landfill of one acre or less.
(Ord. 15-2004, passed 10-1-2004)