Parkways should be planted according to the following standards for all development of property, including any modifications of existing structures which increases the footprint of the existing structure by 25% or in those cases where the cost of improvements exceeds the value of the existing structure by 50%. Existing values shall be determined by the value of the building as stated on the most recent tax bill as provided by the owner. The owner shall also provide estimated costs of improvements.
   (A)   Street trees shall be planted along all public or privately dedicated streets within a development at a rate of one overstory tree per 35 linear feet, (excluding driveways) or fraction thereof.
   (B)   Selection of tree species for street tree planting shall be made from the approved street tree plant list available from the village (see Appendix C). This list shall be updated by the village as needed to ensure quality, disease resistance and hardiness.
   (C)   No street tree shall be planted closer than 30 feet from the right-of-way line at an intersection or closer than eight feet from any drive or alley way.
   (D)   Landscape materials shall be selected and located so as not to obstruct visual or physical access to fire hydrants. Trees and shrubs shall not be located closer than six feet to fire hydrants, transformers or above ground utilities, and 15 feet from any street light.
   (E)   The parkways shall be planted in grass or low ground cover, except where covered by pavement, trees, or shrubs, or up to two feet of paving which is allowed along the curb.
   (F)   The use of stone, rock, or gravel is prohibited on public parkways.
   (G)   Plantings under utility wires is discouraged. If overhead utilities exist, plant selection shall be made from the approved understory plant list (see Appendix B) and spacing requirement shall be reduced to one tree per 25 linear feet.
   (H)   Parkways less than four feet in width do not require tree plantings.
(Ord. 1565, passed 4-1-96; Am. Ord. 2341, passed 12-18-06) Penalty, see § 158.99