For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BUILDING ENTITY. Any person, firm, partnership, or corporation who has or engages peddler, solicitor or canvasser in its behalf.
   CANVASSER. Any person, business entity, firm or corporation, who goes to residential dwelling units, without prior appointment or pre-arrangement to meet with persons, firms, or corporations for the purpose of soliciting funds or donations of property, or for conducting surveys, or for conducting polls or for obtaining endorsements for any product or service.
   PEDDLER. Any person, business entity, firm or corporation, who goes to residential dwelling units without prior appointment or prearrangement to at retail sell, offer for sale, sell and deliver, barter or exchange any goods, products or services. It shall not include a serviceman who is responding to a prior call.
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, partnership, corporation or entity who is 16 years of age.
   SOLICITOR. Any person, business entity, firm or corporation, who goes to residential dwelling units without prior appointment of pre-arrangement with the customer, to take orders for future delivery at retail of any merchandise, or other article, or thing, or any service.
(Ord. 1412, passed 4-19-93)