An application for, and, if requested, a renewal of, a business license to engage in the business of vacation rental shall be accompanied by the following information:
   (A)   A certificate of insurance, as required under section § 123.06 of this chapter;
   (B)   A statement as to whether the applicant or any other person with an ownership interest in the property on which the vacation rental is located, including co-owners, partners, members, managers, or officers of any owning partnership, limited liability company or corporation, has ever been convicted in any jurisdiction of any felony or crime that is rationally related to the individual’s fitness or capacity to operate a vacation rental. The applicant authorizes the village to conduct a background check on the applicant, owners and managers;
   (C)   Proof that the applicant is an owner of the property on which the vacation rental is located, and the names, addresses, ownership interest and current contact information, including phone number and e-mail address, for the owner and any co-owners, partners, members, managers, and officers;
   (D)   If the vacation rental property is subject to regulations or restrictions by a homeowners’ association, condominium association or neighborhood association, the applicant must provide documentary evidence that the applicable association or board has approved the use of the property as a vacation rental; and
   (E)   For renewals only, the applicant must provide a summary of the number of nights the vacation rental was rented, and the number of guests who stayed at the vacation rental during the previous 12-month period.
(Ord. 3315, passed 9-20-21) Penalty, see § 123.99