Each CT shall notify the alleged violator that: 1) No court appearance is required and that it is solely their decision to elect to have this alleged violation resolved under the terms of the compliance ticket process or to have the matter charged and adjudicated in a court of law; 2) by paying the CT, they acknowledge and admit their wrongdoing, waive their right to have a court hearing to decide their innocence or guilt and set the penalty, if guilty, and further agree to the appropriateness of the CT and its process; 3) Acknowledge they still may have remaining legal responsibilities to the claimed victim; 4) They can choose to elect not to pay the compliance fee assessed by the CT within ten days of its issuance. In that event, the village can then file a complaint against the alleged violator in the Circuit Court and serve them with a copy of the court complaint and notice of a date and time to appear in Court.
(Ord. 2890, passed 1-21-14; Am. Ord. 3005, passed 12-21-15; Am. Ord. 3056, passed 9-19-16)