A.   Issuance Of Certificate: After the code official has determined that a rental dwelling is in compliance with all applicable property maintenance laws, ordinances, and regulations, the code official shall issue a certificate of compliance to the owner or person in charge of a rental dwelling. The certificate of compliance shall be valid until another inspection is required.
   B.   Certificate Required: Subject to the provisions of subsection C of this section, no owner or person in charge of a rental dwelling may permit the occupancy of the dwelling by any lessee or tenant without having a valid certificate of compliance for the dwelling.
   C.   Interim Occupancy: During the first year of the effective date of this section, any owner or person in charge of a rental dwelling may continue to permit the occupancy of the dwelling by the lessee or tenant until the code official has conducted an inspection of the dwelling. (Ord. 2016-07, 2-9-2016)