A. The 2015 international residential code is hereby adopted by reference in its entirety as the official residential building code of the village, subject to such modifications as may from time to time be made by the board of trustees, and the following revisions which shall apply within the village:
All Sections
1) Change all references to "code official" to "building official."
2) Change all references to "legal counsel" to "village attorney."
Chapter 1 Scope And Administration
1) Section R101 General
a) Revise section R101.1 "Title" to read as follows:
"R101.1 Title. These provisions shall be known as the residential code for one- and two-family dwellings of the village of Fox Lake, and shall be cited as such and will be referred to herein as "this code."
2) Section R102 Applicability
a) Revise section R102.7 "Existing Structures" to read as follows:
"R102.7 Existing Structures. The legal occupancy of any structure existing on the date of adoption of this code shall be permitted to continue without change, except as is specifically covered in this code, the international fire code, or as is deemed necessary by the building official for the general safety and welfare of the occupants and the public."
3) Section R103 Department Of Building Safety
a) Revise section R103.1 "Creation Of Enforcement Agency" to read as follows:
"R103.1 Creation Of Enforcement Agency. The department of community development is hereby created and the official in charge thereof shall be known as the director of community development."
b) Revise section R103.2 "Appointment" to read as follows:
"R103.2 Appointment. The building official, also known as the director of community development, shall be appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the village board."
4) Section R104 Duties Of The Building Official
a) Revise section R104.10.1 "Flood Hazard Areas" to read as follows:
"R104.10.1 Flood Hazard Areas. The building official shall not grant modifications to any provisions required in flood hazard areas as established by table R301.2(1) unless a determination has been made that the development complies with the Lake County watershed development ordinance."
5) Section R105 Permits
a) Revise section R105.2 "Work Exempt From Permit":
a. Building - Remove 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10.
b. Mechanical - Remove 4.
c. Plumbing - All references to plumbing removed from this code. Plumbing work in the village of Fox Lake shall meet the requirements of the current Illinois state plumbing code plus village amendments.
b) Revise section R105.3 "Application For Permit" to read as follows:
"R105.3 Application For Permit. To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file an application therefor in writing on a form furnished by the department of community development for that purpose. Such application shall: ...."
c) Add section R105.3.1.2 "Determination Of Substantially Improved Or Substantially Damaged Existing Buildings Located Within The Corporate Limits Of The Village Of Fox Lake".
"R105.3.1.2 Determination Of Substantially Improved Or Substantially Damaged Existing Buildings Located Within The Corporate Limits Of The Village Of Fox Lake. Permits for reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition, alteration, repair or other improvement of existing buildings or structures located within the corporate limits of the village, requiring 50% more than the assessed value of the structure, shall require the structure to be brought up to current adopted code."
d) Revise section R105.5 "Expiration" to read as follows:
"R105.5 Expiration. Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within one hundred eighty (180) days after its issuance, or if the work is authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days after the time the work is commenced. The building official is authorized to grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods not more than one hundred eighty (180) days each.
e) Add section R105.10 "After The Fact Permits And Building Code Compliance Inspections" to read as follows:
"R105.10 After The Fact Permits And Building Code Compliance Inspections. Any owner of property where work has been done without the required permit having been first obtained as required by section R105.1, shall make an application to the building official and obtain the required permit after the fact.
(Ord. 2017-06, 2-14-2017)
6) Section R106 Construction Documents
a) Revise Section R106.1.4 "Information for Construction in Flood Hazard Areas" to read as follows:
"R106.1.4 Information for Construction in Flood Hazard Areas. For buildings and structures located in whole, or in part, in flood hazard areas as established by Table R301.2(1), construction documents shall be prepared in accordance with the Lake County Watershed Development Ordinance and this code. Where conflicts exist, the WDO shall supersede."
(Ord. 2017-26, 5-23-2017)
7) Section R109 Inspections
a) Revise section R109.1.1 "Foundation Inspection" to read as follows:
"R109.1.1 Footing Inspection. Inspection of the footings shall be made prior to placement of any piers, footings, or poles and after the full foundation area is excavated to the required depth. The footing inspection shall include excavations for all foundation walls, front walls, thickened slabs and isolated piers intended for the support of bearing walls, partitions, structural supports, or equipment."
b) Add section R109.1.1.1 "Backfill Inspection" to read as follows:
"R109.1.1.1 Backfill Inspection. Inspection made after foundation walls are erected. Prior to backfilling the following systems or components including, but not limited to, damp/waterproofing, subsurface drainage system, exterior insulation, and anchoring shall be placed."
c) Add section R109.1.1.2 "Service Inspection" to read as follows:
"R109.1.1.2 Service Inspection. Service inspection must be conducted prior to any connection by the utility supplier. The service inspection shall include routing of all utilities from the right of way of the utility source to the main distribution point for the structure."
d) Add section R109.1.1.3 "Slab Plumbing Inspections" to read as follows:
"R109.1.1.3 Slab Plumbing Inspections. Inspection made prior to the placement of concrete for any and all plumbing, electrical & mechanical installations proposed under concrete slabs."
e) Revise section R109.1.3 "Floodplain Inspections" to read as follows:
"R109.1.3 Site Development Inspections. Inspections as required by the Lake County watershed development ordinance for building permits."
f) Add section R109.1.4.1 "Insulation Inspection" to read as follows:
"R109.1.4.1 Insulation Inspection. Inspection of insulation that makes up the thermal envelope and insulation at piping, duct, or other system components prior to application of finishes and general concealment. The final energy performance specifications and tests shall be available during inspection."
g) Revise section R109.3 "Inspection Requests" to read as follows:
"R109.3 Inspection Requests. It shall be the duty of the permit holder or their agent to notify the building official that such work is ready for inspection at least one (1) work day before said inspection. It shall be the duty of the permit holder requesting any inspections required by this code to provide access to and means for inspection of such work."
8) Section R110 Certificate Of Occupancy
a) Revise section R110.1 "Use And Occupancy" to read as follows:
"R110.1 Use And Occupancy. A building or structure shall not be used or occupied, and a change in the existing use or occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall not be made, until the building official has issued a certificate of occupancy or certificate of completion therefor as provided herein. Issuance of a certificate of occupancy shall not be construed as an approval of a violation of the provisions of this code or of other ordinances of the jurisdiction shall not be valid."
9) Section R112 Board Of Appeals
a) Revise section R112.1 "General" to read as follows:
"R112.1 General. The village board shall act as the board of appeals.
10) Section R115 Unsafe Structures And Equipment
a) Add section R115.1 "Conditions" to read as follows:
"R115.1 Conditions. All structures or existing equipment which are or hereafter become unsafe, unsanitary or deficient because of inadequate means of egress facilities, inadequate light and ventilation, or which constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life or the public welfare, or which involve illegal or improper occupancy or inadequate maintenance, shall be deemed an unsafe condition. All unsafe structures shall be taken down and removed or made safe, as the building official deems necessary and as provided for if structure is considered a temporary measure until a decision can be made as to what remedy the owner will pursue as provided in this section; but cannot exceed six (6) months or as the building official may deem necessary."
b) Add section R115.2 "Record" to read as follows:
"R115.2 Record. The building official shall cause a report to be filed on an unsafe condition. The report shall state the occupancy of the structure and the nature of the unsafe condition."
c) Add section R115.3 "Notice" to read as follows:
"R115.3 Notice. If an unsafe condition is found, the building official shall serve on the owner, agent or person in control of the structure, a written notice that describes that condition deemed unsafe. Such notice shall require the person thus notified to declare immediately to the building official the specific repairs or improvements that will be made to abate the unsafe condition or to demolish the unsafe structure within a stipulated time."
d) Add section R115.4 "Method Of Service" to read as follows:
"R115.4 Method Of Service. Such notice shall be deemed properly served if a copy thereof is (A) delivered to the owner personally or (B) sent by certified or registered mail addressed to the owner at the last known address with the return receipt requested. If the certified or registered letter is returned showing that the letter was not delivered, a copy thereof shall be posted in a conspicuous place in or about the structure affected by such notice. Service of such notice in the foregoing manner upon the owner's agent or upon person responsible for the structure shall constitute service of notice upon the owner."
e) Add section R115.5 "Restoration" to read as follows:
"R115.5 Restoration. The structure or equipment determined to be unsafe by the building official is permitted to be restored to a safe condition. The extent that repairs, alterations or additions are made or a change of occupancy occurs during the restoration of the structure, such repairs, alterations, additions or change of occupancy shall comply with the requirements of this code."
f) Add section R115.6 "Disregard Of Notice" to read as follows:
"R115.6 Disregard Of Notice. Upon refusal or neglect of the person served with an unsafe notice to comply with the requirements of the order to abate the unsafe condition, the village attorney shall be advised of all the facts in order to pursue recourse provided by law."
11) Section R116 Emergency Measures
a) Add section R116.1 "Imminent Danger" to read as follows:
"R116.1 Imminent Danger. When, in the opinion of the building official, there is imminent danger of failure or collapse of a building or structure or any part thereof which endangers life, or when any structure or part of a structure has fallen and life is endangered by the occupation of the building or structure, the building official is hereby authorized and empowered to order and require the occupants to vacate the same forthwith. The building official shall cause to be posted at each entrance to such structure a notice reading as follows: "This Structure Is Unsafe And Its Occupancy Has Been "Prohibited" By The Building Official." It shall be unlawful for any person to enter such structure except for the purpose of making the required repairs or of demolishing the same."
b) Add section R116.1.1 "Authority To Seal Equipment" to read as follows:
"R116.1.1 Authority To Seal Equipment. In the case of an emergency, the building official shall have the authority to seal out of service immediately any unsafe device or equipment regulated by this code."
c) Add section R116.1.2 "Unlawful To Remove Seal" to read as follows:
"R116.1.2 Unlawful To Remove Seal. Any device or equipment sealed out of service by the building official shall be plainly identified in an approved manner. The identification shall not be tampered with, defaced or removed except by the building official and shall indicate the reason for such sealing."
Chapter 3 Building Planning
1) R301 Design Criteria
a) Delete table R301.2(1) and replace as follows:
   TABLE R301.2(1)
Ground Snow Load
Wind Design
Design Category
Subject To Damage From
Winter Design Temp
Topographical Effect
Frost Line Depth
M - H
Ice Barrier Underlayment Required
Flood Hazards
Air Freezing Index
Mean Annual Temp
b) Revise section R301.2.4 "Floodplain Construction" to read as follows:
"R301.2.4 Floodplain Construction. Buildings and structures constructed in whole or in part in flood hazard areas established by table R301.2(1), and substantial improvement and restoration of substantial damage of buildings and structures in flood hazard area, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the Lake County watershed development ordinance."
2) R302 Fire-Resistant Construction
a) Revise section R302.1 "Exterior Walls" to read as follows:
"R302.1 Exterior Walls. Construction, projections, openings and penetrations of exterior walls of dwellings and accessory buildings shall comply with the village zoning ordinance."
a) Delete section R302.1 Exterior Walls. Exception 2.
b) Delete section R302.1 Exterior Walls. Exception 4.
3) R304 Minimum Room Areas
a) Revise section 304.1 and add table 304.1(1) "Minimum Room Areas" as follows:
1. Living room
180 sq. ft.
2. Dining room
100 sq. ft.
3. Kitchen
70 sq. ft.; 100 sq. ft. if no dining room
4. Master bedroom
120 sq. ft.
5. Other bedroom(s)
100 sq. ft.
6. Bathroom(s)
35 sq. ft.
7. Other uses
100 sq. ft.
8. Closets
8 sq. ft. min./depth 24 inches
4) Section R305 Ceiling Height
a) Revise section R305.1 "Minimum Height" to read as follows:
"R305.1 Minimum Height. Habitable space, hallways and portions of basements containing these spaces shall have a ceiling height of not less than 8 feet. Bathrooms, toilet rooms and laundry rooms shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet.
b) Revise R305.1 "Minimum Height" exception 2 to read as follows:
"The ceiling height above bathroom and toilet fixtures shall be such that the fixture is capable of being used for its intended purpose. A shower or tub equipped with a showerhead shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet above an area of not less than 30 inches by 30 inches at the showerhead."
5) R309 Garages And Carports
a) Revise section R309.3 "Flood Hazard Areas" to read as follows:
"R309.3 Flood Hazard Areas. For buildings located in flood hazard areas as established by table R301.2(1), garage floors shall be constructed in accordance with the Lake County watershed development ordinance."
b) Add section R309.6 "Gas Curb" to read as follows:
"R309.6 Gas Curb. A concrete curb extending at least four inches (4") above the garage floor and around all below grade openings shall be provided for attached garages."
c) Add section R309.7 "Garage Floor Slope" to read as follows:
"R309.7 Garage Floor Slope. The parking area shall have a minimum two (2") inch slope to the direction of the vehicle entrance door."
6) R311 Means Of Egress
a) Revise section R311.2 "Egress Doors" to read as follows:
"R311.2 Egress Doors. Not less than two (2) egress doors shall be provided for each dwelling unit. At least one (1) of the required egress doors shall be side-hinged, and shall provide a clear width of not less than 32 inches (813 mm) where measured between the face of the door and the stop, with the door open 90 degrees. The second required egress door shall be permitted to be a side-hinged door or slider. Egress doors shall be readily openable from inside the dwelling without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort."
7) R313 Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems
a) Delete section R313.2 One- and two-family dwellings automatic fire sprinkler systems. (including the exception)
The following provision shall be added:
An automatic fire sprinkler head shall be required in new single family dwellings above locations where all stoves in kitchens and locations where fossil fuel or where there is an open flame being utilized such as but not limited to above stoves, water heaters, furnaces, fireplaces and dryers. The subject sprinkler heads may be connected to the domestic water system and may be the recessed concealed domestic type heads or exposed domestic type.
8) R322 Flood Resistant Construction
a) Revise section R322.1.5 to read as follows:
"R322.1 General. Buildings and structures constructed in whole or in part in flood hazard areas, including A or V zones and coastal A zones, as established in table R301.2(1), and substantial improvement and restoration of substantial damage of buildings and structures in flood hazard areas, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Lake County watershed development ordinance and as contained in this section. Construction documents shall be prepared by an architect or appropriate design professional licensed by the state of Illinois. Buildings and structures that are located in more than one flood hazard area shall comply with the provisions associated with the most restrictive flood hazard area. Buildings and structures located in whole or in part in identified floodways shall be designed and constructed in accordance with Lake County watershed development ordinance and ASCE 24."
b) Delete section(s) R322.1.1 through 322.3.6 in their entirety.
9) R326 Swimming Pools, Spas And Hot Tubs
a) Revise section R326 "Swimming Pools, Spas And Hot Tubs" to read as follows:
"R326.1 General. The design and construction of pools and spas shall comply with the village code".
Chapter 4 Foundations
1) R403 Footings
a) Revise section R403.1.1 "Minimum Size" to read as follows:
"R403.1.1 Minimum Size. The minimum width, W, and thickness, T, for concrete footings shall be no less than 16" x 8" for light-frame construction and 20" x 10" for light-frame construction with brick veneer or in accordance with tables R403.1(1) through R403.1(3) and figure R403.1(1) or R403.1.3, as applicable. The footing width shall be based on the load-bearing value of the soil in accordance with table R401.4.1. Footing projections, P, shall be not less than 2 inches (51 mm) and shall not exceed the thickness of the footing. Footing thickness and projection for fireplaces shall be in accordance with section R1001.2. The size of footings, supporting piers and columns shall be based on the tributary load and allowable soil pressure in accordance with table R401.4.1. Footings for wood foundations shall be in accordance with the details set forth in section R403.2, and figures R403.1(2) and R403.1(3)."
b) Add section R403.1.1.1 "Turned Down Footing" to read as follows:
"R403.1.1.1 Turned Down Footing. The minimum width, W, of a turned down footing shall be no less than 12 inches or shall be based on the load-bearing value of the soil in accordance with table R401.4.1. The minimum depth shall be in accordance with section R403.1.4."
c) Delete section R403.1.4.1 "Frost Protection" exception 3.
d) Add section R403.1.4.2 "Footing Reinforcement" to read as follows:
"R403.1.4.2 Footing Reinforcement. A minimum of two number four (4) rebars is required in all footings. Footings shall be designed based on building load and the soil conditions.
2) R404 Foundation And Retaining Walls
a) Revise section R404.1.2.1 "Masonry Foundation Walls" to read as follows:
"R404.1.2.1 Masonry Foundation Walls. Concrete masonry and clay masonry foundation walls shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 8" or as set forth in table R404.1.1(1), R404.1.1(2), R404.1.1(3) or R404.1.1(4) and shall also comply with applicable provisions of section R606. In buildings assigned to seismic design categories D0, D, and D2, concrete masonry and clay masonry foundation walls shall also comply with section R404.1.4.1. Rubble stone masonry foundation walls shall be constructed in accordance with sections R404.1.8 and R606.3.2. Rubble stone masonry walls shall not be used in seismic design categories D0, D, and D2."
b) Remove all reference to wood foundations.
3) R405 Foundation Drainage
a) Add section R405.2.4 "Point Of Discharge" to read as follows:
"R405.2.4 Point Of Discharge. The point of discharge of the drainage system shall be diverted in such a manner so as to not create a hazard and shall be no closer than one half (1/2) the distance between the required yard setback and the property line or five (5) feet, whichever is greater."
4) R408 Under-Floor Space
a) Revise section R408.5 "Removal Of Debris" to read as follows:
"R408.5 Removal Of Debris. The under-floor grade shall be cleaned of all vegetation and organic material and granular fill, pea gravel, or a concrete slab placed over a vapor barrier that complies with R506.2.3. All wood forms used for placing concrete shall be removed before a building is occupied or used for any purpose. All construction materials shall be removed before a building is occupied or used for any purpose."
b) Revise section R408.7 "Flood Resistance" to read as follows:
"R408.7 Flood Resistance. For buildings located in the flood hazard areas refer to the requirements of the Lake County watershed development ordinance."
Chapter 5 Floors
1) R502 Wood Floor Framing
a) Revise section 502.1 "General" to read as follows:
"R502.1 General. Wood and wood-based products used for load supporting purposes shall have a maximum spacing not to exceed 16"o.c, engineered floor systems are to be installed to manufacturers specifications."
b) Revise section R502.3 "Allowable Joist Spans" to read as follows:
"R502.3 Allowable Joist Spans. Spans for floor joists shall be in accordance with table 502.3(2). For other grade and species and for other loading conditions, refer to AWC STJR."
c) Remove section R502.3.1 Sleeping areas and attic joists.
Chapter 6 Wall Construction
1) R601 General
a) Revise section R601.2 "Requirements" to read as follows:
"R601.2 Requirements. Wall construction shall be capable of accommodating all loads imposed in accordance with section R301 and transmitting the resulting loads to the supporting structural elements, a maximum spacing of 16"o.c is allowed for conventional framing within the village limits."
Chapter 8 Roof-Ceiling Construction
1) Wood Roof Framing
a) Revise section R802.1 "General" to read as follows:
"R802.1 General. Wood and wood-based products used for load-supporting purposes shall conform to the applicable provisions of this section. Traditionally framed roofs shall be no greater than 16" on center."
b) Delete and revise section R802.11 "Roof Tie-Down" to read as follows:
"R802.11 Roof Tie-Down. Roof tie-downs are required for all structures covered by this code."
Chapter 11 Energy Efficiency
1) Delete "Chapter 11 [RE] Energy Efficiency" and reference as follows:
"The provisions of the Illinois energy conservation code as adopted separately by the Fox Lake village board shall regulate the design and construction of buildings for the effective use and conservation of energy over the useful life of each building."
Part VII - Plumbing
1) Delete chapters 25 through 32 and replace as follows:
"The provisions of the Illinois plumbing code as adopted separately by the Fox Lake village board shall govern the erection, installation, alteration, repairs, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of plumbing equipment."
Part VIII - Electrical
1) Delete chapters 34 through 43 and replace as follows:
"The provisions of the national electrical code as adopted separately by the Fox Lake village board shall govern the installation of electrical systems, equipment and components indoors and outdoors that are within the scope of this code, including services, power, distribution systems, fixtures, appliances, devices and appurtenances."
*Add appendix F "Passive Radon Gas Controls" as part of this code.
(Ord. 2017-06, 2-14-2017)