Members of the Emergency Telephone System Board shall appoint a Chairman and Secretary and shall meet as required by the Act. Members shall have the following powers:
   A.   Planning a 9-1-1 system.
   B.   Coordinating and supervising the implementation, upgrading, or maintenance of the system, including the establishment of equipment specifications and coding systems.
   C.   Receiving monies from the surcharge imposed under section 15.3 of the Act, and from any other source, for deposit into the Emergency Telephone System Fund.
   D.   Authorizing all disbursements from the fund.
   E.   Hiring any staff necessary for the implementation or upgrade of the system.
   F.   Participating in a regional pilot project to implement next generation 9-1-1, as defined in the Act, subject to the conditions set forth in the Act.
   G.   Any and all other powers authorized by the Act or by ordinance of the Village Board. (Ord. 2012-06, 3-13-2012)