(A) Any building or structure moved, erected, razed, converted, or used and any use of land or premises which is carried on in violation of this chapter is declared to be a nuisance per se. All buildings, structures, and land uses considered to be in violation of this chapter shall be reported to the Zoning Administrator.
(B) After an order to correct the violation has been issued by the Zoning Administrator, the property owner (owner of the property upon which the violation is located) shall have 30 days to correct the violation. If the violation cannot be corrected within this time, the Zoning Administrator may, with just cause, extend the correction period for an appropriate amount of time up to a period of six months. The approved extension period shall be at the discretion of the Zoning Administrator. In the event a longer period of time is required:
(1) The Zoning Board of Appeals, upon petition, may grant up to six additional months to correct the violation if conditions warrant such an extended period of time. The six period shall commence at the end of the extended period as approved by the Zoning Administrator (as referenced above).
(2) If the violation involves a special land use or planned unit development, the request for the extended period of time shall be made to, and approved by, the Village Council. Any violation not corrected within the required time frame shall be reported to the Village Council.
In all cases, a request for extending the period of time for correcting a violation shall be made by the applicant. Said request shall be in writing to the Zoning Administrator and shall include specific detail on why the violation occurred, the requested time frame for correcting the violation, and actions to be pursued by the land owner to ensure correction of the violation. The written request shall be delivered to the Zoning Administrator no less than 21 days prior to the expiration of the extended time frame as originally approved by the Zoning Administrator.
In the event the Zoning Administrator determines the violation poses an imminent threat to the health, safety, and welfare of the occupants of the premises on which the violation is located or to the general public, the Zoning Administrator may require that immediate measures be taken to correct the violation.
(C) Any person, firm, corporation, or organization who violates, disobeys, omits, or refuses to comply with any provisions of this chapter or lawful order of the Zoning Administrator, Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals, or Village Council issued in pursuance of this chapter shall be responsible for a civil infraction punishable by the sanctions as set forth below. Each day which a violation continues, may be deemed a separate infraction.
(D) The sanction for any violation of this chapter which is a municipal civil infraction shall be a civil fine as provided herein, plus any costs, damages, expenses, and other sanctions authorized under Act 12 through 26, Public Acts of Michigan of 1994.
(E) The Zoning Administrator, the Building Inspector, together with law enforcement officers, are authorized officials to issue municipal civil infraction citations and municipal civil infraction violation notices for violation of this chapter.
(F) A violation of this Zoning Ordinance shall be a municipal civil infraction subject to a fine. Increased civil fines will be imposed for repeated violations that occur within a six month period. Civil fines for first offenses, repeat first offenses and repeat second offenses will be established from time to time by the Village Council. The village shall also be entitled to equitable relief to abate the violations and to such other relief as may be available to the village pursuant to Chapters 83 and 87 of the Michigan Revised Judicature Act, as amended at the present time or in the future.