(A)   Construction signs. Signs identifying contractors, architects, builders, or owners name during the period of construction are permitted subject to the following restrictions:.
      (1)   Such signs shall not exceed 50 square feet in display area on each side and eight feet in height.
      (2)   Signs designating the future site of a subdivision shall not exceed 32 square feet in display area on each side.
      (3)   Construction signs shall not be erected until a building permit has been issued for the project which is the subject of the proposed sign and construction activity has begun.
      (4)   Signs must be setback at least 15 feet from the front property line.
      (5)   Construction signs shall be removed within 15 days of the issuance of any occupancy permit for any building or structure which is the subject of the construction sign.
   (B)   Directional signs. These signs are permitted subject to the following restrictions:
      (1)   A directional sign may contain a logo of an on-premises establishment, but no advertising copy.
      (2)   No such sign shall exceed six square feet in area or four feet in height.
      (3)   Directional signs shall be limited to traffic control functions.
   (C)   Incidental signs. Signs pertaining to any conforming activity being conducted on the premises are permitted in any district, subject to the following restrictions:
      (1)   No individual sign shall exceed six square feet in area.
      (2)   Only those signs which, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator are necessary to indicate entrances, exits, safety precautions, including identifying logos without text, and other such incidental language shall be permitted.