   (A)   A building permit for any proposed use or building requiring a site plan shall not be issued until a site plan has been reviewed and approved in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter.
   (B)   Final site plan approved by the Planning Commission shall be required under the following conditions:
      (1)   All uses permitted by special land use.
      (2)   All uses required by this chapter to provide more than five new off-street parking spaces or two or more loading spaces.
      (3)   Developments of more than one main building or use on a single lot or parcel, submitted as a site condominium.
      (4)   For any use which, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, should be reviewed by the Planning Commission for site plan approval because of the intensity of development proposed and potential effects on properties in the general vicinity.
   (C)   The uses listed below do not require Planning Commission site plan review and approval. The uses listed below require review and approval only by the Zoning Administrator:
      (1)   Single and two family dwellings (unless submitted as a site condominium under the provisions of division (B)(3), above).
      (2)   State licensed residential family care facilities.
      (3)   Day care, family homes.
      (4)   Accessory uses or structures.
      (5)   Home occupations (home occupation must be obtained).
   (A)   Application procedures. An application for site plan review shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator at least 30 days prior to the next Planning Commission meeting. If the Zoning Administrator deems that the application is complete per the requirements of division (A)(2) of this section then the plans will be reviewed and submitted to the Planning Commission for their consideration. The Zoning Administrator has the ability to reduce or extend the 30 day period if it is deemed appropriate (e.g. the submitted site plan is very basic and review can be performed in less than 30 days or the site plan requires additional time due to the high level of detail and size of the project).
      (1)   An application for either a preliminary or final site plan review shall consist of the following:
         (a)   A completed application form, as provided by the village. The application shall be signed by an owner of, or person having an interest in the property to be developed, or an authorized representative.
         (b)   A suitable number of copies of the preliminary or final site plan at a scale drawing of not less than one inch = 40 feet for parcels less than three acres and one inch =100 feet for parcels three acres or more.
         (c)   Payment of a fee, in accordance with a fee schedule, as determined periodically by a Village Council resolution.
         (d)   A legal description, including the permanent parcel number, of the subject property.
         (e)   Other materials as may be required in this subchapter, by the Zoning Administrator or by the Planning Commission.
      (2)   An application shall not be accepted until all required materials are provided. Incomplete applications shall be returned to the applicant with an indication of the items necessary to make up a complete application.
   (B)   Workshop meeting. Prior to performing site plan review procedures, an applicant may request a workshop meeting of the Planning Commission. The purpose of the workshop meeting is to allow the applicant to present a conceptual plan, such as in the case of a PUD. In return, the Planning Commission can inform the applicant of the general acceptability of the proposed plans with little or no real costs to the applicant.
   (C)   Preliminary site plan review procedures.
      (1)   If desired by the applicant, a preliminary site plan may be submitted to the Planning Commission for review prior to final site plan review. The purpose of the preliminary site plan review is to allow further discussion between the applicant and the Commission prior to incurring extensive engineering and other costs which may be necessary for the review of the final site plan.
      (2)   Preliminary site plans shall include the following, unless deemed unnecessary by the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission.
         (a)   Small scale sketch of an area within one-quarter mile of the subject property showing the property location.
         (b)   Existing adjacent streets and proposed streets and existing curb cuts within 100 feet of the property.
         (c)   All lot lines with dimensions.
         (d)   Parking lots (including required parking calculations) and access points.
         (e)   Proposed buffer strips or screening.
         (f)   Significant natural features; and other natural characteristics, including but not limited to open space, stands of trees, flood plains, hills, and other significant natural features.
         (g)   Location of any signs not attached to the building.
         (h)   Existing and proposed buildings, including existing buildings or structures within 100 feet of the boundaries of the property.
         (i)   Number of acres allocated to each proposed use and gross area in building, structures, parking, public and/or private streets and drives, and open space.
         (j)   Dwelling unit densities by type, if applicable.
         (k)   Proposed method of providing sewer and water service, as well as other public and private utilities.
         (l)   Proposed method of providing storm drainage.
      (3)   The Commission shall review the preliminary site plan and make such recommendations to the applicant that will cause the plan to be in conformance with the review standards required by this subchapter and this chapter.
      (4)   The Planning Commission may request from the applicant any additional graphics or written materials, prepared by a qualified person or persons, to assist in determining the appropriateness of the site plan. Such material may include, but need not be limited to, aerial photography, photographs; traffic impacts; impact on significant natural features and drainage; soil tests; and other pertinent information.
   (D)   Final site plan review procedures.
      (1)   A final site plan, including those provided in conjunction with a special land use request, shall be reviewed by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission shall approve, approve with conditions, or deny the site plan, stating the reasons (use the standards provided in § 152.193) for such action in the Planning Commission minutes.
      (2)   Final site plans shall include the following information, unless deemed unnecessary by the Zoning Administrator or the Planning Commission:
         (a)   Small scale sketch of an area within one-quarter mile of the subject property showing the property location.
         (b)   Date of preparation/revision.
         (c)   Name, address, and professional seal of the preparer.
         (d)   The topography of the site at a minimum of five foot intervals and its relationship to adjoining land.
         (e)   Existing man-made features.
         (f)   Dimensions of setbacks, locations, heights and size of buildings and structures, including the locations of existing buildings or structures within 100 feet of the boundaries of the property.
         (g)   Street rights-of-ways, indicating proposed access routes, internal circulation, relationship to existing rights-of-ways, and curb cuts within 100 feet of the property.
         (h)   Proposed grading.
         (i)   Location, sizes, and type of drainage, sanitary sewers, water services, storm sewers, and fire hydrants.
         (j)   Location, sizes, and type of fences, landscaping, buffer strips, and screening.
         (k)   Location, sizes, and type of signs and on-site lighting, including information regarding lighting levels at the edges of the site.
         (l)   Proposed parking areas and drives. Parking areas shall be designated by lines showing individual spaces and shall conform with the provisions of the subchapter on parking.
         (m)   Any public and private easements.
         (n)   Dimensions and number of proposed lots.
         (o)   Significant natural features, and other natural characteristics, including but not limited to open space, stands of trees, flood plains, hills, and other significant natural features.
         (p)   Building elevations.
      (3)   The Planning Commission may request from the applicant any additional graphics or written materials, prepared by a qualified person or persons, to assist in determining the appropriateness of the site plan. Such material may include, but need not be limited to, aerial photography, photographs; traffic impacts; impact on significant natural features and drainage; soil tests; and other pertinent information.
   (E)   Staff, professionals, agency reviews. Prior to the Planning Commission taking action on an applicant's final site plan, the Zoning Administrator and/or Planning Commission may have village staff, support professionals or governmental agencies provide reviews on the plans. Reviews may also be placed as a condition of approval (e.g. wetland mitigation approval by a state agency).
   (A)   The Planning Commission in making its determination shall review the final site plan and find the following prior to approval:
      (1)   Compliance with the requirements of this chapter and other applicable village ordinances.
      (2)   Compliance with any applicable comments received from reviewing village officials, support professionals or public agencies.
      (3)   Compliance with other applicable state and federal statutes and standards.
   (B)   General standards. In reviewing an application for final site plan review, the following standards shall be met:
      (1)   The site shall be developed so as not to hinder the normal and orderly development or improvement of surrounding property for uses permitted in this chapter.
      (2)   All buildings or groups of buildings shall be arranged as to permit emergency vehicle access by some practical means to all sites. Safe, convenient, uncongested, and well-defined vehicular and pedestrian circulation shall be provided for ingress/egress points and within the site. Drives, streets and other circulation routes shall be designed to promote safe and efficient traffic operations within the site and at ingress/egress points.
      (3)   Every structure or dwelling unit shall have access to a private street, public street, walkway or other areas dedicated to common use. The arrangement of public or private vehicular and pedestrian connections to existing or planned streets in the area shall be planned to provide a safe and efficient circulation system for traffic within and around the Village of Fowler.
      (4)   Appropriate measures shall be taken to ensure that removal of surface waters will not adversely affect neighboring properties, the village, or the county's storm drainage system.
      (5)   Provisions shall be made for the construction of storm sewer facilities including grading, gutters, piping and treatment of turf to handle storm water, prevent erosion and the formation of dust. Surface water on all paved areas shall be collected at intervals so that it will not obstruct the flow of vehicle or pedestrian traffic or create standing water in paved areas.
      (6)   Secondary containment for above ground areas where hazardous substances are stored or used shall be provided. Secondary containment shall be sufficient to store the substance for the maximum anticipated period of time necessary for the recovery of any released substances.
      (7)   General purpose floor drains shall only be allowed if they are approved by the Village's Department of Public Works for a connection to a public sewer system, an on-site closed holding tank (not a septic system), or regulated through a State of Michigan groundwater discharge permit.
      (8)   State and federal agency requirements for storage, spill prevention, record keeping, emergency response, transport and disposal of hazardous substances shall be met. No discharges to groundwater, including direct and indirect discharges, shall be allowed without permits and approvals.
      (9)   Removal or alteration of significant natural features shall be restricted to those areas which are reasonably necessary to develop the site in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. The Planning Commission may require that landscaping, buffers, and/or greenbelts be preserved and/or provided to ensure that proposed uses will be adequately buffered from one another and from surrounding public and private property.