Land and/or buildings in the R-1 District may be used for the following purposes when approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with the requirements of the Special Land Use subchapter:
(A) Utility and public service buildings, without storage yards, but not including essential public services such as poles, wires, and underground utility systems.
(B) Private, non-commercial or institutional recreation parks and recreation centers.
(C) Golf courses.
(D) Schools.
(E) Bed and breakfast inns.
(F) Hospitals, including associated offices and related uses, such as pharmacies, clinics, and other similar uses integral to such use.
(G) Nursing, or convalescent homes.
(H) Churches, synagogues, temples, and other religious places of worship.
(I) Lodges, and private clubs.
(J) Governmental buildings and libraries.
(K) State licensed residential group facilities.
(L) Cemeteries.