(A)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to protect the public against criminal activity, including fraud and burglary, minimize the unwelcome disturbance of citizens and the disruptions of privacy, and to preserve the public health, safety and welfare by regulating and controlling solicitors, peddlers and hawkers.
   (B)   License required. It shall be unlawful for any person either as principal agent or representative to engage in the business of soliciting, peddling, or hawking as herein defined within the village without first having obtained a license as provided in this section. Licenses issued for such activity shall be available for review when requested by the owner or occupant of the premises and/or by a public official.
   (C)   Definitions. For purposes of this section, solicitors, peddlers, and hawkers shall be defined as follows:
      HAWKER. Any person offering merchandise or services from a fixed place not within a building.
      PEDDLER. Any person offering merchandise or services for sale by going door to door or by passing house to house, not including regular route delivery persons delivering products on a continuous order basis.
      SOLICITOR. Any person offering merchandise or services for sale by sample or description for delivery at a future time, going door to door or passing from house to house, not including representatives of non-profit corporations organized under the laws of the State of Michigan or other public purpose organizations.
   (D)   Application for license and exemption.
      (1)   Application to be made on a form provided by the Village Clerk.
      (2)   Application fee shall be established by the Village Council.
      (3)   The license shall be valid for a period of one year from date of issuance.
      (4)   The Village Clerk shall determine which applicants do not require a license and may be exempted based on the definition of non-profit or other public purpose under this section.
      (5)   Appeals to a decision of the Village Clerk under this section shall be made to the Village Council.
   (E)   Prohibited conduct. The following conduct by a hawker, peddler, or solicitor is prohibited:
      (1)   Entering a private residence under pretenses other than peddling or soliciting.
      (2)   Remaining in a private residence or on the premises after the owner or occupant has requested such person to leave.
      (3)   Entering private residence or private building when a "no peddling" or "no soliciting" sign has been displayed on such premises.
      (4)   Peddling, hawking or soliciting before 10:00 a.m., after sunset, on a Sunday, or on a state or national holiday.
(Ord. 12, passed 9-14-81; Am. Ord. passed 10-26-14) Penalty, see § 10.99