The Village Maintenance Superintendent or his or her designee shall have the right to enter at any reasonable time upon any property and premises served by the village's water system for the purposes of locating abandoned wells or potential hazards of the village's water system. Upon request of the village or its Maintenance Superintendent, the owner, lessee or occupant of any property so served shall furnish to said inspector any pertinent information regarding the hazards or potential hazards and pertaining to an abandoned well on the property involved. Refusal to provide such information or to permit inspection when requested shall be deemed evidence of presence of hazards to the village's water system. If a violation occurs, the village has the option to immediately notify the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and pursue its possible remedies under the Michigan Polluters Pay Law (PA 1982 307, as amended by PA 1990 234). Nothing contained herein shall prohibit the village from the pursuit of such other remedies as may be provided by law.
(Ord. 46, passed 9-8-03) Penalty, see § 50.99