(a)   No person, firm, association or other entity shall install or have installed any alarm system within the City or install or have installed any alarm system with a direct connection to the Police or Fire Departments unless a valid permit for such alarm system issued under provisions of this chapter is in effect. (Ord. 92-68. Passed 12-15-92.)
   (b)   No person, firm, association or other entity shall continue the operation of an alarm system already in existence on the effective date of this chapter unless a valid permit for such has been issued under provisions of this chapter.
   (c)   Permits issued under this chapter have no relationship to permits issued or required by any provisions of the Ohio Basic Building Code or the Ohio Fire Code.
   (d)   Permit application fees shall be ten dollars ($10.00) for residential premises and twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for commercial premises. There shall be no fee for a permit renewal.
   (e)   Whoever violates any provision of this section is guilty of operating an alarm system without a valid permit, a minor misdemeanor. Each day on which the violation occurs shall be deemed a separate offense. (Ord. 92-29. Passed 6-3-92.)