(a)   Mandatory Participation: No owner, lessee or occupant of residential buildings shall permit the accumulation of nonrecyclable household waste. All such waste shall be placed in approved containers for collection by a hauler licensed by the City. Except for amounts less than required to fill the smallest approved container, all such waste shall be placed at collection points every seven days.
NOTE: Hazardous materials and other prohibited materials may not be placed in the refuse or recyclable containers.
   All leaves in either the boulevard or the edge (gutter if curbed) of the street shall be placed in bags for hauling or mulched into the lawn. No leaves may be raked into the street.
   (b)   Voluntary Participation: Residents may voluntarily participate in lawful recycling activities of their choice and in residential composting and mulching.
   (c)   Individual Disposal: Except as otherwise provided in this section, the disposal of residential solid waste in any quantity by an individual or hauler in any place, public or private, within the City limits is prohibited.
   (d)    Ownership of Residential Solid Waste:
      (1)   All solid waste placed at the collection location shall be the property of the City, and no person other than those authorized by the City shall collect or remove such waste. (Exception: see subsection (b) hereof)
      (2)   Nothing herein shall prohibit the occupant of the premises from removing any items previously placed by such occupant at the collection point.
         (Ord. 97-1. Passed 1-7-97.)
   (e)   Penalty. Whoever violates any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a minor misdemeanor. Violators shall be given a written warning for the initial violation. Each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense punishable as a minor misdemeanor with each subsequent offense under this section punishable by a fine up to $500.00.
(Ord. 2005-146. Passed 11-15-05.)