Except as specifically provided by ordinance, all construction of sewer extensions in streets and right of ways not already supplied with sewerage shall be in accordance with one of the following procedures:
(a) Construction by Owner/Developer. In dedicated streets or in new subdivisions, the Engineering Department may permit an owner to arrange for the laying of sewer extensions by private contract; the performance of the work, however, shall be done under the supervision and control of the Engineering Department. In the construction of any extension, the plans shall have prior approval by the Engineering Department and only duly inspected and approved materials shall be permitted. A contractor shall be required to furnish bond, either cash or surety, as a guarantee against defective workmanship or materials, and he shall be required to pay for inspection and supervision of the work unless otherwise exempted by the Engineering Department.
(b) Assessment. An assessment in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code. The owners of property to be served by a proposed sewer extension may petition for the construction of such an extension, and the assessment of the cost thereof in accordance with provisions of the Ohio Revised Code.
(Ord. 2014-09. Passed 3-4-14.)