(a)   Installation. The Director may permit the installation of either storm or sanitary sewers to serve new real estate subdivisions or any lot or part of a lot within the corporation limits. They shall be connected to the proper sewer system (storm or sanitary), either existing or new sewers, unless the proposed sewers will result in overloading existing sewers in which case permission for connecting to an existing sewer may be denied until such time as the necessary corrective measures are provided.
   (b)   Approval by City Engineer. All new sewers, either storm or sanitary, and appurtenances (manholes, catch basins, etc.), shall meet the specifications adopted as the standard by the City for the construction and installation of the same, and any plans or specifications approved by the City Engineer and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency as required.
(Ord. 2014-09. Passed 3-4-14.)