(a)    Residential Districts. Temporary signs in residential districts shall conform to the following standards as well as the other applicable standards of the Codified Ordinances:
      (1)   Type. Temporary freestanding and wall signs are the only type of temporary signs permitted.
      (2)   Number. No more than four (4) such signs may be located on a lot.
      (3)   Maximum area and height. Signs may not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area or be more than four (4) feet in height.
      (4)   Display period. Each temporary sign may not be displayed for more than forty-five (45) consecutive days in a six month period.
      (5)   Off-premises signs. Off-premises signs are prohibited.
      (6)   Illumination. Signs shall not be separately illuminated. This standard is not intended to prohibit the installation of such a sign near a porch light or yard light, which may incidentally illuminate the sign.
      (7)   Mounting brackets and posts. All materials used to anchor the sign including mounting brackets and posts shall be removed when the temporary sign is removed.
      (8)   Permit requirements. Temporary signs in residential districts do not require a permit.
   (b)   Non-residential Districts. Unless otherwise stated in 1133.08, temporary signs in non-residential districts shall conform to the following standards as well as the other applicable standards of the Codified Ordinances:
              (1)    Type. Temporary freestanding and wall signs are the only type of temporary signs permitted.
              (2)    Maximum area and height. Signs shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in area or be more than four (4) feet in height.
              (3)    Number.
                      A.    On lots of five (5) acres or less, no more than two (2) signs are permitted at once.
         B.   On lots of five (5) acres or more, no more than three (3) signs are permitted at once.
                (4)   Display period. Each temporary sign may not be displayed for more than forty-five (45) consecutive days in a six month period.
              (5)    Setbacks. Temporary signs shall be located no closer than twenty-five (25) feet from the public right-of-way line.
              (6)    Mounting brackets and posts. All materials used to anchor the sign including mounting brackets and posts shall be removed when the temporary sign is removed.
              (7)    Illumination. Signs shall not be separately illuminated.
              (8)    Permit requirements. Unless otherwise stated, all temporary signs in nonresidential districts require a Sign Permit.