(a) A Storm Water Management Board is an advisory panel for the City of Fostoria which shall concern itself with questions dealing with the implications of the NPDES Storm Water Phase II program and make recommendations to the Safety-Service Director. The Storm Water Management Board shall consist of seven (7) members. The members shall include the Safety- Service Director, City Engineer, Sewer Maintenance Foreman, and four (4) members appointed by the Mayor. A minimum of one of the four members appointed by the Mayor shall be on City Council. Appointed members shall serve three (3) year staggered terms with the first terms being a one -1 year, two-2 year terms and one-3 year term. In the event that a vacancy occurs during the term of any member, their successor shall be appointed for the unexpired portion of the term.
(b) The Storm Water Management Board shall:
(1) Develop a five year plan to address all areas of concern relating to storm water requirements and a ten year implementation plan as the resolution of all areas of concern relating to storm water management.
(2) Develop a Capital Improvement plan that will allow for equipment and capital projects to address areas of concern related to the storm water management plan.
(3) Hold regular public meetings in which there are open discussions regarding the operation, maintenance, and repair of the existing storm system to include future expansion in the areas of concern. (Meetings shall be held a minimum of once per year.)
(c) The Storm Water Management Board shall also review the following:
(1) Review the nature and condition of the City's storm drainage system, including problems involving the illicit discharge of pollutants to the City's storm water removal system, and make recommendations on control measures suitable for the City;
(2) Review the status and results of the City's current runoff control measures from construction and post construction sites and recommend regulation for any required improved control of contaminated construction site runoff;
(3) Review the mapping of the entire drainage system and location of all storm sewers under the control of the City;
(4) Review complaint handling and documented follow-up;
(5) Set measurable performance goals related to water quality and storm water activities;
(6) Track work activities and expenses related to storm water management (street sweeping and catch basin cleaning, repair, etc.) and compare them to the measurable goals;
(7) Engage in any other lawful activities determined to be required to achieve the objectives of the storm water management plan, including the drafting of any regulations required to implement standards or activities described in the plan for presentation to City Council.
(Ord. 2006-32. Passed 3-7-06.)