§ 33.24 OFFICERS.
   Officers of this Department shall include Chief, First Assistant Chief, Second Assistant Chief, First Lieutenant, Second Lieutenant, EMS Lieutenant, Secretary and Treasurer.
   (A)   The Chief shall be the executive officer of the Department in complete charge of all fires, meetings and functions.
   (B)   The First Assistant Chief will be superior to the Second Assistant Chief and will be in command in the absence of the Chief.
   (C)   The Second Assistant Chief will be in command in the absence of the Chief or the First Assistant Chief.
   (D)   The First Lieutenant will be superior to the Second Lieutenant and will be in command in the absence of the superior officers.
   (E)   The Second Lieutenant will be in command in the absence of superior officers.
   (F)   The EMS Lieutenant will be a certified EMT of the Department in command of Department EMS operations and will answer directly to the highest ranking officer present. This position devotes itself toward the safety of the fire scene, rescue efforts at the fire scene, Department EMS operations and responsibilities, including EMS training, and therefore has no rank in fire suppression activities.
      (1)   The EMS Lieutenant will act as the first assistant to the highest ranking officer in charge of the scene in matters relative to EMS operations.
      (2)   The EMS Lieutenant will hold no other elected office.
   (G)   The Secretary and/or Treasurer shall keep minutes of meetings, handle correspondence, disperse all monies and maintain an accurate bookkeeping system. All checks will be signed by the Treasurer.
   (H)   Any member who has been in active membership in good standing for at least the 12 month period prior to elections will be eligible for nomination and election to any office, with the exception of Chief. The Chief must be chosen from the roll of officers who have served during the preceding four years.
   (I)   All terms of office will run from January 1 until December 31.
   (J)   The training officers will be appointed by the Chief.
   (K)   In the event a vacancy occurs in the ranks of the elected officers, a special election shall be held to fill the vacancy at the next regularly scheduled meeting after the vacancy occurs, with majority rules prevailing. Nominations will be open from the floor.
   (L)   Any office with no nominees will be filled by appointment from the newly elected Board of Directors for the upcoming year.
(`87 Code, Ch. 2, Art. III)