(A)   Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
      BUSINESS DISTRICT. Any areas of town zoned businesses or industrial.
      SKATEBOARD. A device with wheels for riding upon, usually standing, including, without limitations, skateboards of all types.
      TOY VEHICLES. Coasters, scooters, roller skates, or any other non-motorized device with wheels or rollers upon which a person may ride. This definition does not apply, so long as they are used for the purposes for which they are intended, to wagons, wheelchairs and strollers or other devices designed and used for the purpose of transporting children, infants, physically challenged, or incapacitated persons, or to bicycles, or to carts or other devices intended and used for transporting merchandise or materials.
   (B)   Skateboarding on a street. No person shall operate a skateboard or toy vehicle on a public street if there is a sidewalk adjacent to such street. If no sidewalk exists, skateboards may be ridden on the street providing street riding shall be done as far to the right side of the road as possible, and in the same direction as traffic.
   (C)   Clinging to a vehicle. No person operating a skateboard, toy vehicle, or other non- motorized device shall attach himself or herself to any vehicle upon a roadway.
   (D)   Yield right-of-way. Any person operating a skateboard or other toy vehicle must yield right-of-way to any pedestrian or motor vehicle.
   (E)   Skateboarding on private property.
      (1)   No person shall operate a skateboard or toy vehicle on the premises of any business, residence or other private property in violation of a sign complying with this section.
      (2)   Areas in which skateboarding or operation of a toy vehicle is prohibited must be indicated by one or more signs which are positioned to provide notice and which contain the words “No Skateboarding” or any other word or combination of words indicating that skateboarding or operation of a toy vehicle is prohibited. Letters on the sign must be clearly legible.
   (F)   Skateboarding on public property. No person shall operate a skateboard or toy vehicle in, upon, or on the grounds of the fire station, municipal building or police station.
   (G)   Skateboarding in the business district. No person shall operate a skateboard or toy vehicle within the town’s business district.
   (H)   Damaging town property. No person shall operate a skateboard or toy vehicle on or against any town-owned table, bench, structure, tennis court, parking stop, retaining wall, fountain, statue, or other improvement which may suffer damage by such use. In addition to any penalty imposed pursuant to division (L) below, any person violating this section shall be liable for restitution for said damage. If the person is a minor, his or her parent or legal guardian shall be jointly liable with the minor for said restitution.
   (I)   Skateboard ramps. No person shall use or place a ramp, jump or any other device used to force a skateboard or toy vehicle off the pavement on the grounds of any town-owned parking lot, street, sidewalk, or any portion of any town park not designated as a skateboard park.
   (J)   Agreement for impoundment. In place of any other penalty provided by law, any person violating this section may, for a first offense, agree to have the skateboard of play vehicle impounded by the Police Department for one week.
   (K)   Bicycles not included. The operation of bicycles is covered by other provisions, and is not intended to be regulated by this section.
(Ord. 2005-10A, passed 10-25-05)