(A)   The town may, through its designated garbage collection service provider, provide a garbage receptacle for Each single and double-occupancy dwelling in the town. Until such time as the town provides residents garbage receptacles, residents shall be responsible for providing their on receptacles that meet the standards provided in § 54.01.
   (B)   Garbage receptacles shall be placed outside of all such dwellings at the time designated by the contractor in § 54.03 and in a readily accessible place so that it may be emptied or removed. All kitchen garbage shall be placed in garbage receptacles and in no other place. No other article or thing shall be placed or permitted to be placed in a garbage receptacle. The receptacle shall not be filled nearer than four inches from the top of the container. Rubbish and ashes shall be placed in containers with a capacity of not less than three nor more than 20 gallons in capacity; such containers shall be provided with handles.
(Ord. 2017-3A, passed 3-20-17)