It is recognized that most streams and drainage channels serving the town do not have sufficient capacity to receive and convey stormwater runoff resulting from continued urbanization. Accordingly, the storage and controlled release of excess stormwater runoff as well as compensation for loss of floodplain storage shall be required for all developments and redevelopments (as defined in § 53.001) located within the town. Control devices shall limit the discharge to a rate such that the post-developed release rate from the site is no greater than 0.1 cfs per acre of development for zero- to ten-year return interval storms and 0.3 cfs per acre of developed area for 11- to 100- year return interval storms. The above fixed general release rates may be set at a lower value by the town for geographical areas determined as impact drainage area or for certain watersheds if more detailed data becomes available as a result of comprehensive watershed studies conducted and/or formally approved and adopted by the town. Additional details regarding the release rate requirements, available basin-specific release rates, downstream restriction considerations, acceptable outlet, adjoining property impact considerations, fluvial erosion hazards considerations, policy on dams and levees, and compensatory floodplain storage rates are detailed in the Fortville Stormwater Technical Standards Manual.
(Ord. 2020-1E, passed 1-6-20)