Any person who owns or leases a building, which has a sign shall remove the sign within thirty (30) days after it becomes abandoned as defined in this chapter. If the owner or lessee cannot be located, the city shall remove such sign. The cost of removal shall be borne by the owner of the sign.
A building, structure, or premises shall be determined to be vacated based upon the following criteria:
   A.   Vacancy.
   B.   Cessation of utility services.
   C.   Termination of the business license.
Sign structures that have been left vacant, devoid of any messages, display a message pertaining to a time, event, or purpose that no longer applies, or are unoccupied, any of which for a thirty (30) day period shall be deemed abandoned and must be removed. (Ord. 2003-09, 10-27-2003, eff. 11-27-2003)