A.   The purpose of this zoning ordinance is to promulgate and adopt such regulations that:
      1.   Are designed in accordance with the comprehensive plan.
      2.   Are designed to lessen congestion in the streets.
      3.   Will secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers.
      4.   Will promote health and the general welfare.
      5.   Will provide adequate light and air.
      6.   Will prevent the overcrowding of land.
      7.   Will avoid undue concentration of population.
      8.   Will facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks and such other public requirements.
      9.   Give reasonable consideration to the character of the district.
      10.   Give reasonable consideration to the district's peculiar suitability for particular uses.
      11.   Give reasonable consideration to conserving the value of buildings.
      12.   Will encourage the most appropriate use of land throughout the jurisdictional area. (Ord. 2000-03, 9-13-2000)
      13.   Prohibit the use of any property or structure within the city's zoning jurisdiction that is in violation of federal, state, or local law. (Ord. 2010-03, 10-26-2010)
   B.   Further, the intent of this zoning ordinance is to:
      1.   Ensure that the land uses of the community are properly located in relation to one another, providing adequate space for each type of development, and preventing problems associated with incompatible uses.
      2.   Control the density of development in each area of the community so that property can be adequately served by such public facilities as streets, schools, recreation and utility systems.
      3.   Direct new growth into appropriate areas.
      4.   Protect existing property by requiring that development affords adequate light, air and privacy for persons living and working within the municipality.
      5.   Protect and maintain property values.
      6.   Preserve and develop the economic base of the community.
      7.   Encourage the provision of affordable housing for families of all income levels. (Ord. 2000-03, 9-13-2000)