The territory embraced within the limits of the city shall be and the same is hereby divided into two (2) wards, bounded and described as hereinafter set forth:
   A.   East Ward: All that portion of the city within the boundaries thereof lying east of the centerline of Ninth Avenue, north of the centerline of the Burlington Northern Railroad right of way, and east of the centerline of Seventh Avenue, south of the centerline of the Burlington Northern Railroad right of way, shall constitute and be known as the east ward.
   B.   West Ward: All that portion of the city within the boundaries lying west of the centerline of Ninth Avenue, north of the centerline of the Burlington Northern Railroad right of way, and west of the centerline of Seventh Avenue, south of the centerline of the Burlington Northern Railroad right of way, shall constitute and be known as the west ward. (Ord. 2015-01, 6-22-2015)