(A)   Maintenance of plumbing fixtures. Every water line, plumbing fixture, and drain, located in a structure used for human habitation, shall be properly installed, connected, and maintained and capable of performing the function for which it was designed.
   (B)   Maintenance of plumbing systems. Every stack, waste, and sewer line, located in a structure used for human habitation and every connecting sewer line shall be so installed and maintained as to function properly and not be a source of structural deterioration or a health hazard.
   (C)   Installation of heating equipment. Every heating, cooking, and heating device, located in a structure used for human habitation, shall be properly installed, connected, and capable of performing the function for which it was designed.
   (D)   All heating, cooking, and water heating equipment, burning solid fuels, shall be properly connected to a chimney or flue, and such heating equipment, burning liquid or gaseous fuels shall be properly connected to a supply line and, where required, to a chimney, flue, or vent.
   (E)   Maintenance and operation of heating equipment. Every heating, cooking, and water heating device, located in a structure used for human habitation, shall be so maintained and operated as to be free from fire, health, and accident hazards.
   (F)   Storage of fuels. All fuels stored on the premises for the operation of heat producing equipment shall be stored in a safe manner.
(Ord. 39-1976, passed 8-16-76)