(A)   Adoption. The International Property Maintenance Code (IPMC) 2018 Edition, as promulgated by the International Code Council (ICC) is adopted as herewith amended.
   (B)   Amendments.
      (1)   The IPMC is adopted by the city as supplemental to Chapter 155, Minimum Housing Standards of the FPCO, which is enforced by the Community Development Department. In the event of any conflict of intent, meaning, requirements, enforcement or jurisdiction, the Minimum Housing Standards, Chapter 155, shall be the final authority.
      (2)   Chapter 1, Scope and Administration.
         (a)   Section 101.1 Title: Delete in the entirety.
         (b)   Section 102.3 Application to other codes: Substitute 'Ohio Building Code' for 'International Building Code'; 'Ohio Fire Code' for 'International Fire Code'; 'Ohio Mechanical Code' for 'International Mechanical Code'; 'Residential Code of Ohio' for 'International Residential Code’; 'Ohio Plumbing Code' for 'International Plumbing Code'.
         (c)   Section 103 Department of Property Maintenance Inspection; Delete in the entirety.
         (d)   The term 'code official' used in Chapter 1 and throughout the International Property Maintenance Code shall refer to the Building Official.
         (e)   Section 106 Violations. Delete in the entirety.
         (f)   Section 107. Notices and Orders: Delete in the entirety.
         (g)   Section 108. Unsafe Structures and Equipment. Delete in the entirety.
         (h)   Section 109. Emergency Measures. Delete in the entirety.
         (i)   Section 110. Demolition. Delete in the entirety.
         (j)   Section 111. Means of Appeal. Delete in the entirety.
         (k)   Section 112. Stop Work Order. Delete in the entirety.
      (3)   Chapter 3, General Requirements.
         (a)   Section 302.1 Sanitation: Delete in the entirety.
         (b)   Section 302.4 Weeds: Delete in the entirety.
         (c)   Section 302.5 Rodent harborage: Delete in the entirety.
         (d)   Section 302.8 Motor vehicles: Delete in the entirety.
         (e)   Section 302.9 Defacement of property: Delete in the entirety.
         (f)   Section 303 Enclosures: Swimming Pools, Spas, and Hot Tubs. Delete in the entirety.
         (g)   Section 304.1.1 Unsafe conditions: Delete in the entirety.
         (h)   Section 304.3 Premises identification: Delete the final sentence.
         (i)   Section 304.14 Insert screens: Delete in the entirety.
         (j)   Section 305.1.1 Unsafe conditions. Delete in the entirety.
         (k)   Section 306.1.1 Unsafe conditions. Delete in the entirety.
         (l)   Section 308 - Rubbish and Garbage: Delete in the entirety.
         (m)   Section 309 Pest Elimination. Delete in the entirety.
      (4)   Chapter 4, Light Ventilation and Occupancy Limitations.
         (a)   Delete Chapter 4 Sections 401.1 thru 404.7 in the entirety, and substitute the following: 'Section 401.1 Maintenance. Lighting, ventilation, and occupancy limitations of the OBC or RCO shall be maintained operational and safe throughout the times a building is occupied.'
      (5)   Chapter 5, Plumbing Facilities and Fixture Requirements.
         (a)   Delete Chapter 4 (sections 501 thru 507) in the entirety and substitute the following: 'Section 501.1 Maintenance. Plumbing facilities required by the building code at the time of construction or alteration of a building shall be maintained operational and safe throughout the times a building is occupied. No existing plumbing installation may be altered or removed without a permit.’
      (6)   Chapter 6, Mechanical and Electrical Requirements.
         (a)   Delete Chapter 4 (Section 601 thru 607) in the entirety, and substitute the following: ‘Section 601.1 Maintenance. Mechanical and electrical equipment and facilities required by the building code at the time of construction or alteration of a building shall be maintained operational and safe through the times the building is occupied. No existing mechanical or electrical installation may be altered or removed without permit.’
      (7)   Chapter 7, Fire Safety Requirements.
         (a)   Section 702.1 General: Delete 'International'
         (b)   Section 702.2 Aisles: Delete 'International'
         (c)   Section 702.3 Locked Doors: Delete 'International'
         (d)   Section 703.2 Unsafe Conditions. Delete 'International' (two locations)
         (e)   Section 703.7. Vertical shafts. Delete 'International'
         (f)   Section 704 Fire Protection Systems: Delete 'International' throughout. Add Section 704.1.4. Maintenance of fire protection systems. All fire protection and life safety systems required at the time of building construction or alteration shall be maintained operational throughout the times the building is occupied. Fire protection systems in unoccupied buildings shall be maintained operational unless otherwise approved by the Fire Department. No existing life safety or fire protection system may be altered or disabled without permit.
   (C)   Maintenance. All buildings, structures, swimming pools, sheds, walls, fences, patio covers, decks, drives, walks, paving, exterior steps, guardrails and handrails, site and drainage systems, grading, towers, and antennas, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and the building code.
(Ord. 25-2019, passed 8-5-19)