Patio covers shall conform to the requirements of the Residential Code of Ohio, 2019 Edition, the International Residential Code, Appendix H, 2018 Edition, and this section.
(A) Permitted uses. Patio covers shall be used only for recreational outdoor living purposes, and may not be used as carports, garages, storage rooms, or conditioned habitable rooms.
(B) Height. Patio covers are limited to one story, not exceeding 12 feet in height. The minimum height of the interior ceilings shall be 7'0". The minimum height of openings in patio cover walls shall be 6'8".
(C) Enclosure. Patio covers shall be at least 50% open to the exterior, with openings permitted to be enclosed with insect screen, approved translucent or transparent plastic not more than 0.125 in thickness, glass conforming to RCO R308, or any combination thereof. Wall enclosures greater than 50% require the structure to be constructed as an addition.
(D) Egress. Unless unenclosed, patio covers shall provide continuity of egress from windows required by the RCO to be emergency egress windows, or from a required building exit.
(E) Footings. All patio covers are required to be supported at the bearing members or walls by footings to the frostline conforming with RCO 506, unless otherwise engineered.
(F) Permit required. A permit is required to construct a patio cover. Permits are also required for any alterations or additions to the existing electrical and/or plumbing installations (by other agencies).
(G) Structure. Patio covers, site-built, manufactured or prefabricated, shall comply with ASCE7.
(H) Listing. Materials, products, assemblies, and methods of construction not specifically addressed by the OBC or RCO, shall be tested and listed by an accredited listing agency or evaluation service.
(Ord. 25-2019, passed 8-5-19)