Upon completion by the city of any sidewalk, driveway approach, or crosswalk repair, construction, or reconstruction as provided for in §§ 92.13 and 92.14, the owner of the abutting property, or his agent, shall be billed for the reasonable cost and expense of the work. The bill shall include:
   (A)   All construction costs, including emergency.
   (B)   A charge for administrative costs of $5 or 10% of the construction costs, whichever is greater, not to exceed $35 for all bills and/or outstanding balances not paid by the due date.
(Ord. 61-1971, passed 11-15-71; Am. Ord. 19-1985, passed - -85; Am. Ord. 28-1992, passed 12-7-92; Am. Ord. 34-1998, passed 1-11-99)