Deteriorating or leaking pipes, in the sanitary or storm drain system, may contribute to the urban runoff pollution in the city's waterways. Sanitary sewer and storm drain pipelines are often laid in close proximity to each other, making them particularly susceptible to infiltration. Infiltration of sewage and other pollutants into the storm drain system occur as the underground pipes age, developing cracks, leaks and breaks. Pipes may also have structural failures, which are repaired by the city or metropolitan sewer district as soon as they are detected. A break in a sewer lateral or main can result in a direct discharge to a creek. If a sanitary sewer line is suspected of leaking and infiltrating the storm system, the metropolitan sewer district will be notified of the leak. If a repair is needed to the storm sewer line, the repair will be scheduled by the city's stormwater utility department.
(Ord. 19-2005, passed 12-5-05)