A provider who has discontinued or is discontinuing operation of any system in the city shall:
   (A)   Provide information satisfactory to the city that the provider's obligations for its system in the rights-of-way under this chapter and any other chapters in the Codified Ordinances or other laws have been lawfully assumed by another applicant and/or provider; or
   (B)   Submit a written proposal to re-use its facilities in a manner that promotes the city's goals of providing innovative and economic solutions to efficiently and economically utilize limited rights-of-way capacity. Said proposal must be approved by the Public Works Director; or
   (C)   Submit a written proposal for abandonment of facilities in place indicating why good engineering practice would support this type of solution. Said proposal must be approved by the Public Works Director; or
   (D)   Completely remove its entire system within a reasonable amount of time and in a manner acceptable to the city; or
   (E)   Submit to the city, in good faith and within a reasonable amount of time, and in accordance with R.C. §§ 4905.20 and 4905.21, a proposal for transferring ownership of its facilities to the city. If a provider proceeds under this clause, the city may, at its option:
      (1)   Purchase the facilities; or
      (2)   Unless a valid Removal Bond has already been provided pursuant to § 52.211, require the provider to post a bond in an amount sufficient to reimburse the city for its reasonably anticipated costs to be incurred in removing the facilities.
(Ord. 24-2004, passed 12-20-04)