(A)   The City Council shall determine if a Council member has forfeited his or her office. No forfeiture shall take place without the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members elected, and until the member charged has been notified of the charges against him or her and has had an opportunity to be heard.
   (B)   Any member of Council shall be permitted to present to a quorum of Council, by written motion, a request to convene a hearing to consider charges against any Council member. The motion presented shall:
      (1)   Identify the Council person charged.
      (2)   Set forth in detail the nature of the charge or charges being made that would constitute forfeiture.
      (3)   Establish the date, time and place for a public hearing for such charge or charges to be scheduled at least 30 days and not more than 60 days after passage of the motion.
(Ord. 14-1994, passed 5-2-94)