(A)   Motions. Every motion shall be in writing, if the Chairperson or any member shall request. When a motion is made, it shall be stated by the Chairperson; or if in writing, it shall be read by the Clerk of Council before debate is permitted. Such motion may be withdrawn, with the consent of City Council, at any time before voting has commenced even though the motion has been amended.
   (B)   Motion not to be repeated. A motion to adjourn, to postpone to a day certain, or to postpone indefinitely, being decided in the negative, shall not again be made until some other motion, call, or debate shall have taken place.
   (C)   Motion taking precedence. The motions listed are privileged motions and shall have precedence in the following order:
      (1)   Adjourn.
      (2)   Recess.
      (3)   Proceed to the order of business.
      (4)   Lay on the table.
      (5)   Previous question.
      (6)   Postpone to certain time.
      (7)   Commit or refer.
      (8)   Amend.
      (9)   Postpone indefinitely.
   (D)   Undebatable motions. The following shall be acted upon without debate:
      (1)   Adjourn.
      (2)   Recess.
      (3)   Lay on the table.
      (4)   Previous question.
      (5)   Take from table.
      (6)   Priority of business.
      (7)   Consideration; reconsider, rescind.
      (8)   Suspension of the rules.
      (9)   Raise a question of privilege.
      (10)    Limit or extend limits of debate.
   (E)   Question of order. All questions of order shall be decided by the Presiding Officer without debate. However, such decision shall be subject to appeal to the Council by any member. On appeal, a member shall not speak more than once, unless with consent of Council, except the member appealing who may speak twice. The Presiding Officer may speak in preference to any other member. If the decision is in favor of the member called to order, he shall proceed.
(Ord. 63-1971, passed 11-27-71)