This Charter shall be presented to the electors and voted upon at the general election to be held on November 5, 1968. If approved by the voters, it shall take effect and be in force upon certification of its adoption by the Board of Elections of Hamilton County, Ohio, to the extent necessary to authorize the election of a Council under this Charter at the general Municipal election to be held in November, 1969. For any and all other Municipal purposes, this Charter shall be in full force and effect from and after December 1, 1969.
The existing elective offices of Mayor, Clerk-Treasurer, and members of Council, are hereby abolished by this Charter from and after its effective date. The term of office of the Council members and other Municipal officials elected at or prior to the Municipal election in November 1967, shall cease and terminate on December 1, 1969, at which time the first Council elected under this Charter shall take office and this Charter shall go into effect for all Municipal purposes.
All appointive offices, boards, commissions, or other positions in the Municipality prior to the adoption of this Charter, shall be abolished on the first day of December, 1969. After that date, there shall exist only such offices, boards, commissions, or positions as are provided for in this Charter or as are established by ordinance not inconsistent with this Charter; provided, however, that all officers, members of boards and commissions, and employees in continuing positions provided for in this Charter or by ordinance not inconsistent therewith, shall continue to serve in such offices or positions subject in all respects to the provisions of this Charter. Employees who are members of the Police Department and the Service Department on the effective date of this Charter shall retain their positions as though appointed thereto under and subject to the provisions of this Charter.