   No ordinance or resolution shall be passed without the concurrence of the majority of all members elected or appointed to Council. Before passage, every ordinance shall be fully and distinctly read on two separate days at an official meeting of Council, unless an emergency is declared as hereinafter provided, or unless by vote of two-thirds of all the members of Council a reading thereof in full on two different days is dispensed with, in which cases such ordinance shall be read in full one time at an official meeting and may be passed on the day of such reading. For its second reading, an ordinance may be read by title only upon the vote of majority of the members of Council, provided there has been no change in the text of the ordinance between the first and second readings. Resolutions may be acted upon immediately after a single reading.
   Council may, in its discretion, determine that ordinances or resolutions be presented in written form and copies filed with each Council member, the Clerk of Council and also posted in the official posting places, six days prior to the Council meeting when the matter is to be considered. If said ordinance or resolution is so presented then Council may, by vote of a majority of its members, suspend the rules of Council and authorize the ordinance or resolution to be read by title only without a reading in full.
   Every vote upon every ordinance or upon other matters as to which any member shall so demand, shall be taken upon a roll call and entered upon the journal. Council may, by ordinance, adopt rules not inconsistent with this Charter for governing its own proceedings, and for all other matters pertaining to the exercise of its powers in the performance of its duties. Passage of every ordinance and every resolution shall be certified by the signatures of the Mayor, or Vice Mayor, and the Clerk of Council. The Clerk of Council shall record all ordinances and resolutions, in full, in separate ordinance and resolution volumes, which shall be a public record available for examination, upon request, in the Clerk of Council office by interested persons during regular office hours.
(Amend. Ord. 54-75, approved by voters 11-4-75; Charter amendment approved by voters 11-20-90)