There shall be established a Civil Service Commission, which shall consist of five electors of the Municipality, who shall hold no other office or employment with the Municipality or the School District. Four of such Commissioners shall be appointed by Council for overlapping terms of three years. The fifth Commissioner shall, with the concurrence of Council, be appointed by the Mayor on the recommendation of the Board of Education on the Greenhills-Forest Park School District, provided, however, that if no such recommendation is made after thirty days notice to the Board of Education, such appointment shall be made by the Mayor with the concurrence of Council. The fourth Commissioner shall be initially appointed for a term of two years, and the fifth Commissioner for a term of three years. Thereafter, each member of the Commission shall be appointed for the full three year term. A vacancy occurring during the term of any member of the Commission shall be filled by Council for the unexpired term.
(Amend. Ord. No. 31-1981, approved by voters 11-3-81)